Sunday 12 February 2012

I was at a Herbalife meeting yesterday and came home so inspired. This is a great company to be part of and i really want to go as far as i can in it. i know i can help people like myself to loose weigh. But in the mean time i need to continue on my journey.

another few pounds off this week, as i have said before I'm not getting huge losses on the scales but i am seeing good results with the tape measure.  folk get to hung up with weight. i think if you are happy in your body and within a healthy range forget what the scales say . i know myself i will never get to my target weight, that's not me being defeatist but i know my body. This is what puts me off the likes of Weight Watchers and Slimming World they focus to much on getting to a target weight and when you do you get free classes. I will never get to that weight so no free classes for me.  These groups have made a fortune out of me over the years.

A healthy weight loss is 1 - 2 pounds a weeks, I'm doing that so why do i feel it should be more? Because I'm inpatient and want instant results, been there done that and believe me instant results are not good. you may feel great at the time but keeping it of is practically impossible, if  you want to have a normal life.

i need to up my exercise levels this week. someone asked me during the week when did i last stop to admire the views? this really made me think . i love walking my dogs in the country. but recently i have been rushing so much its been a case of quick dog walk home and on to the next thing. i need to organise my life better that i have time for long country walks again, were i can stop and appreciate the things around me. i always come home feeling great ,dogs tired so peace all round and i have exercised perfect.


Tuesday 7 February 2012

hi, this is interesting, if you are trying hard but the scales are not moving as quick as you would like take your measurements. i did this today and happy to report 13 cms off waist and 16 cms off bust. but only 8 pounds off in weight. i really dont care about the weight as long as im getting results somewere. im also a dress size down yippee.

Sunday 5 February 2012

hi, this is my first attempt at a blog so please be kind to me. I want to share my journey to lose a large amount of weight with you, I am hoping by doing this i will be a insperation to someone and help them. If i can do it anyone can.

i have tried most things over the years and to be honest all they did was reduce the pounds in my purse, yes i lost weight but it soon came back.

i am wanting to loose 10 stone or 140 pounds no mean feat. i dont expect this to happen over night but i expect it to happen.

i have started using Herbalife Products and loving them so much  i have signed up as a distibuter and in the future hopeing to be come a wellness  coach. if anyone reading this would like to join me in my journey please contact me and i can sort out a plan for you.

at the present i am on 1500 calories a day, this is broken down in to two formula 1 shakes or bars, two healthy snacks and a evening meal. high protein and fibre, low sugar and fat.  i am also trying to get in my 5 a day aswell. its as easy as that.  o yea 2 litres of water a day which i do have more trouble with, but im trying.

along with the shakes i am taking  multivitamin & herb and fibre tablets  these work along side the shakes to make sure my body is getting everything it needs. i am also taking the herbal beverage tea, you can have this hot or as i prefer cold in my water. im not a tea drinker. My biggest vice at the moment is my strong black coffee but i am cutting this down. Im getting great help and support from the rest of my team x

i think that will do for the first entery, hope you havnt fallen asleep or laughed at my spelling mistakes which im sure there will be loads.
